Author Archives: The CAN Team

Let’s bash the door down

If there was ever a time for grassroot civil society organisations to demand recognition and [...]

Make your voice heard on the proposed Coalition Bill

Make your voice heard on the proposed Coalition Bill COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED UNTIL 31 AUGUST.  [...]

Join our submission on the Municipal Structures Act Amendment Bill

Join our submission on the Municipal Structures Act Amendment Bill The “Coalition Bill” that, if [...]

Devolution of power – the pros and cons

Devolving power from a national to a provincial level is a topic of significant debate [...]

Ratepayers are loudly rejecting bad city budgets, and long may it last

By Jonathan Erasmus Let us be frank – our municipalities are paying little or no [...]

Water will always be a political issue.

By Jonathan Erasmus, CAN Project Manager  The biggest unknown in South Africa’s upcoming general election [...]

Workshop: IDP and Municipal Budgeting. What you need to know. (17 April 2024)

This excellent resource was prepared by Mare-Lise Fourie, a Municipal Finance Consultant. Mare-Lise was a [...]

How to fix incorrect valuations/categorisations of properties “in between” property rolls

This article was written and published by Schindler’s Attorneys.  It often happens that property owners [...]

GVR: Does a general valuation roll ever close?

This article was originally produced and published by Schindlers Attorneys. This article examines the legal [...]

GVR: What you need to know

Article was written by Katleho Selepe, Candidate Attorney, checked by Lauren Squier, Associate and released [...]