Category Archives: Municipal Matters
Municipal Matters: What is an IDP?
The IDP is a diverse document that must help remove the legacy of apartheid and [...]
Municipal Matters: The 5 Steps of an IDP
The process undertaken to produce the IDP consists of 5 steps: Step 1 – Analysis [...]
Municipal Matters: 6 steps a municipality must follow in preparing the budget
At least 10 months before the start of the budget year, a schedule must be [...]
Municipal Matters: Tariffs and services explained
It is a key objective of the municipality to make sure it has a funded [...]
Municipal Matters: Municipal budgets – What you need to know
Budgets are financial plans for the upcoming year that show the forecasted expenditure and income [...]
Municipal Matters: A guide to bylaws
By-laws are no less and no more important than any other law passed by national [...]
Municipal Matters: Understanding ward boundary demarcation
The Constitution provides that the whole territory of the Republic must be covered by municipalities [...]
Municipal Matters: Everything you need to know about ward committees
A ward committee may make recommendations on any matter affecting its ward to the ward [...]
Municipal Matters: Councillors are a critical link. Here’s why.
Councillors provide the critical political link between the executive mayor or executive committee and the [...]
Municipal Matters: Mayoral systems explained
Municipalities are generally divided into two governance types – the mayoral executive system and the [...]